High school drama teacher Logan is desperate to save her career. She is now facing a petition that calls for her termination. She has therefore decided to pursue several grants ranging from education to cultural awareness to bring together three actors that will devise a play about the first Thanksgiving. Or Native American Heritage Month. Or just November in general. With yoga instructor (and boyfriend) Jaxton, elementary teacher Caden, and professional actress Alicia, Logan is out to save her career and tell a culturally conscious story about what it means to be Native American... even though all of the performers are white.
Written by Native American writer Laura Fasthorse, she asks the question: What is the real Thanksgiving story, and who should tell it? This particular comedy depicts the attempts of well-meaning educators to write and direct a socially and historically responsible Thanksgiving play for the local Barcelona population, without consulting with or including any Native Americans, or anyone else for that matter.
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